Be a part of the team…
Be a Team Parent!!!
Responsibilities include:
-Volunteer to work Snack Bar
-Attending a meeting for Team Parents
-Contacting the team with information from the Manager and/or Head Coach and the Team Mom Coordinator
-Maintaining an accurate team contact list
-Distributing all pertinent league information to the players’ parents
-Promoting positive team spirit amongst parents, players, & SHLL
-Collecting picture money/forms
-Distributing snack (younger divisions) schedule to the team
-Collecting paperwork or orders for your team
-Picking up and distributing players’ uniforms
-Assisting with fundraising
-Collecting ticket money for Little League Day with the Aviators and Rebels
-Helping out in dugout for T-Ball/Rookie divisions, at manager discretion
-Selecting, ordering, picking up, and distributing trophies, medals, or other optional end of season awards for your players
-Organizing a team party at the end of the season!
Feel free to share responsibilities, but only one contact name should be given to the Team Mom Coordinator for each team.
*Events subject to change each season. This is a general overview of responsibilities.